Thursday, April 10, 2008

Paterson, New York State Say No to Broadwater

The word got out late yesterday and started appearing on newspaper websites in early evening -- New York has decided to reject Broadwater's proposal to put a liquefied natural gas terminal in Long Island Sound.

The state Department of State, which was required to determine if Broadwater was consistent with state policies for use of the coastal area, decided that it was not. Of 13 criteria, it failed on six, according to the Courant.

Governor David Paterson and Secretary of State Lorraine Cortés-Vázquez will make the announcement today at 2, at Sunken Meadow State Park.

There was no indication in any of the news accounts which of the 13 criteria were the basis if the rejection, although presumably we'll know later today. Remember though that early last year the Department of State gave a clear indication of which direction it was headed in, which you can read about here. And the coastal policies themselves are here.

Remember, by the way, that Denise Civiletti, out on eastern Long Island, learned in early February, that the Department of State had decided to reject the Broadwater proposal and was ready to go public, here. Knowing that, it would have been very interesting and disconcerting if two months later the decision had been revered.

One personal observation about the Department of State. Twenty years ago I reported on its coastal resources division's role in deciding the fate of a proposal to build 2,000 condos in high rises on Davids Island, in the Sound off New Rochelle. My impression then was that they were scrupulous and fair, and operated with the highest integrity under intense pressure from both proponents (including the entire New Rochelle city government, organized labor and construction interests, among others) and opponents (well-connected and well-organized officials of other communities and residents of New Rochelle and elsewhere). Broadwater was no different. The Department of State made the right decision both times, and the governors -- Mario Cuomo then, David Paterson now -- were smart enough to let the decisions of their experts stand.

If you're interested in this sort of thing (and I am), the news itself came from Connecticut yesterday, not New York. New York officials were keeping quiet to the press, not wanting to pre-empt the governor's press conference. But they were nice enough to tell their anxious counterparts in Connecticut the news, and the Connecticut officials were too thrilled and excited to keep it quiet.

Chris Zurcher compiled all the headlines and links by early this morning. Here are the ones that I read: Hartford Courant, New Haven Register, Newsday, AP.

I'll try to follow this with more quick hits throughout the day, if my responsibilities at work allow it.



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