Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Short Lobsters On Sale Now. What's Dumber than Broadwater?

Short lobsters … New, bigger size limits for lobsters caught in Connecticut’s portion of Long Island Sound take effect Monday. Lobsters will have to have a carapace length of at least 3 and 9/32nd inches. The idea is that the lobsters will have a little extra time to breed before they’re caught, which might help the Sound’s lobster population rebound.

But there’s a catch. The law applies not only to lobstermen but to stores that sell lobsters. They will no longer be allowed to sell anything shorter than 3 and 9/32nd of an inch. That’s a problem for them in two ways: by Monday, they have to sell (perhaps at a bargain price) any short lobsters they have in their tanks; and in the future they have to beware of short lobsters coming in from Maine and Canada, where the minimum length is 3 inches.

The Connecticut Post has a story, here. And by the way, a “fisher” is a large, aggressive weasel generally found in the north woods. Whenever I read a sentence like this, “… the rules are aimed at helping Connecticut lobster fishers who thought undersized shellfish from out of state would hurt them,” it makes me groan. Fishermen is a perfectly good word.

A retrospective … The Journal News summarizes the “Sound Health” report, two and a half weeks after the report came out. (My own posts about the report are here and here.)

Dumber than Broadwater? … How bad of an idea is Broadwater’s proposal to put a liquefied natural gas terminal in the middle of the Sound? The Anti-Broadwater Coalition thinks it’s bad enough to mock with a “Dumber than Broadwater” contest. And there are prizes:

Weekly winners will receive a handsome and practical backpack, laughable for use in evacuating Long Island in the event of a Broadwater vapor cloud ignition. The Grand Prize Winner will be selected to receive dinner for two at the top-rated La Plage Restaurant, featuring the last view of Long Island Sound without a gas platform larger than the Queen Mary II and LNG supertankers delivering their volatile fuel. The Grand Prize Winner will also receive a fill-up for their car as a reminder of Long Island’s ongoing dependence on expensive foreign fossil fuels if Broadwater is licensed and a round-trip on the Port Jefferson Ferry so you can leave the Island quickly and return if there’s anything to return to.

Broadwater is serious and so are we. But, your creativity will keep Long Islanders smiling as we go through the scary Broadwater review process, currently before the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission in Washington. Think of anything “Dumber than Broadwater,” and enter today.

Hmmm. Let me think … How about a nuclear power plant on the Sound in Waterford, Connecticut? Oh wait. We already have one of those.

New E-mail … Sphere readers who regularly send me e-mails should note that I have a new address: Both of you should change your address book accordingly.


Blogger Tamara said...

Address book updated!

10:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope the ABC is not associated with the "Dumber than Broadwater" post. I give the ABC much more credit for the efforts and expect that they're above such a glib posting. LIPulse (whoever they are) gets it right only with "industrialization of the Sound...." The other points (don't need the energy, staggering cost, terrorism target) are non-starters that don't advance argument.

9:31 AM  

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