Thursday, April 27, 2006

When Controlling Canada Geese You Don't Need a Raincoat, But ...

Goose eggs ... When you have a problem with Canada geese, as Greenwich and many other suburban towns do, and you’ve been persuaded that killing them is not an acceptable solution, you have to learn some extremely specialized skills. You have to work during nesting season, and it’s a two-person job, as the Greenwich Time reports.

One person coats the egg with corn oil. That’s the easy and dignified task. The other person, who has undergone extensive training in the technique

keeps the geese away by repeatedly opening and closing an umbrella.

I hope someone somewhere is getting that on film.

No jargon ... Because I’ve criticized (here and here) what I think is the overly-rosy conclusion of the Sound Health report issued recently by the Long Island Sound Study, I feel compelled to make clear some other thoughts I have about the report:

When combined with the additional material online, Sound Health is comprehensive, clearly and concisely written (there’s not a word of government jargon to be found), loaded with useful and interesting information, and well-illustrated (including the graphs, which tend to be easier to understand online rather than in the newsprint edition).

All in all it’s a good job that, considering the level of meddling and bureaucratic review that government people undergo before they publish anything, must have been accomplished under conditions ranging from merely frustrating to harrowing.

I hope thousands read it (just as I hope they aren’t lulled into complacency by the “Sound’s health is improving” theme).


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