Friday, February 03, 2006

A Few More Details About the Atlantic LNG Proposal; Cape Wind Gets an Airing at Yale; Did Easter Get off too Easy?

The Howard and Henry show … Long Island’s weekly newspapers, and Google, have come up with a few more details about the Atlantic Sea Island Group LLC (aka Safe Harbor Energy), the company that wants to build a 53-acre island 13.5 miles out in the Atlantic Ocean and put a liquefied natural gas terminal on it.

Long Island Business News reported this, referring to company frontman Howard Bovers who, not surprisingly, reveals himself to have a 53-acre ego:

His consortium includes Henry Steinroth, a former Port Washington resident who oversaw construction of a 600-acre island off the coast of Los Angeles. Other participants include AECOM, a multinational engineering firm, and what Bovers described as a “sophisticated team of investors” assembled by bank Morgan Joseph & Co. Inc.

Unlike Broadwater, which derives heavy backing from Shell, and a proposed terminal off the New Jersey coast sponsored by another engery giant, BP, the Safe Harbor project is from “local people who understand these waters,” said Bovers, who grew up on the Jersey shore.

“This is the Howard and Henry show,” he said.

The Herald, meanwhile, reported:

According to the Web site of Morgan Joseph, a New York City-based investment bank, Atlantic Sea Island Group LLC raised $10 million through private equity placement last September. Exactly how much more was raised by the group was not disclosed.

And Charles Schumer wants to know more, here:

Cape Wind ... The Hartford Courant found its way down to New Haven yesterday to cover a talk at the Yale School of Environmental Sciences and Forestry by Jim Gordon, the head of Cape Wind Associates.

Gordon wants to put 130 wind turbines in Nantucket Sound, off Cape Cod, and the Courant gave him a fair amount of space to talk about his plans without bothering to summarize the opposition beyond saying that rich people in Hyannisport don’t want it.

Was 10 grand too soft?... Mark Easter, the head of the Fishers Island Ferry District and soon-to-be prisoner, apparently had some thrifty saving and investing habits. The Norwich Bulletin reports today that Easter’s net assets are more than $1 million.

Easter, who pleaded guilty to dumping pretty much all the raw sewage from the FI ferries into Long Island Sound and the Thames, is 54 and, with a salary of about $130,000 a year, is the highest-paid employee of the Town of Southold.

Given his bank account, Dawn Kallen, who investigated his crime for the Coast Guard, thinks the $10,000 fine he’ll be paying is too little. The Norwich Bulletin agreed:

The $100,000 fine sought by U.S. Attorney Kevin O'Connor was closer to the mark given the defendant's wealth.

Fines this low may be seen by some as no more than the cost of doing business, and that's not acceptable.


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