Wednesday, January 25, 2006

LNG Terminal: Better in the Atlantic than in Long Island Sound?

This just came in via e-mail, with the words "no joke!!" in the subject line. Howard Rubenstein's PR firm sent it out, and it was forwarded to me:

MEDIA ADVISORY – Assignment Desks
Man Made Island proposed for LNG Terminal
out in the Atlantic
Safe & remote access to critically needed energy using proven maritime technology
On Thursday January 26, 2006, 10:30 AM on the Long Beach Boardwalk between Long Beach Blvd. and Monroe Blvd., Atlantic Sea Island Group, LLC will unveil plans for Safe Harbor Energy, an innovative Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) deepwater terminal to be created on a man-made island in the Atlantic Ocean.
Far from population centers and outside vital shipping lanes, Safe Harbor Energy will use reinforced breakwaters and state-of-the-art security to allow reliable, cost effective global gas supplies to be brought to the New York metro region and the northeast United States.
The announcement starts the rigorous federal regulatory siting process under the authority of the US Coast Guard and the Maritime Administration.
WHAT: Safe Harbor Energy – a man made island to harbor an LNG terminal in the Atlantic.
WHEN: Thursday, January 26, 2006 10:30 am
WHERE: Long Beach Boardwalk between Long Beach Blvd and Monroe Blvd. (south of Shore Road).
WHY: Providing safe, secure access to critical energy supplies using proven technology at remote location
Editors please note: Jpg images of Safe Harbor Energy and b-roll of animation are available


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