Thursday, September 08, 2005

See You in Essex on 9/25?

I’ll be in Essex, Connecticut, on Sunday, September 25, to give the keynote talk at Connecticut Fund for the Environment/Save the Sound’s annual meeting. I usually fill my talks with amazing and appalling anecdotes – good and bad, current and historical – that fit under the topic of “What is Long Island For?” I’m also planning to squeeze in a few thoughts about the ongoing hypoxia crisis in the western Sound.

It's at the Connecticut River Museum, and everyone is welcome, although I admit that if it turns out to be a beautiful September afternoon and the choice were between listening to me or being outside…

In any case, go here or here for more information.

I understand that Tom Callinan might be there as well, to sing his new anti-Broadwater song. Should be interesting.

I’m available for speaking engagements, by the way. I’m cheap (although not free), I tell good stories, and I never use a PowerPoint. Previous engagements include Audubon Connecticut’s 100th anniversary meeting; Fishers Island’s “Nature Days” event; Audubon New York’s semi-annual Audubon Council meeting; the Society of Conservation Biologists’ annual convention; and the Norwalk Maritime Aquarium. Send me an e-mail if you’re interested.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll be there!


9:22 PM  

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