Friday, July 01, 2005

Planting Oysters in the Sound off Greenwich

Someone in Greenwich is planting millions of oyster spat in hopes of reestablishing the population, which has been wiped out by two diseases, dermo and MSX. This Greenwich Time story describes what's going on but leaves unanswered the basic question of who's doing the work. A volunteer? The town's shellfish commission? A company from Brookhaven?

Despite that omission, there's some interesting stuff in the story, such as this:

To aid the process, Atlantic Clam Farms, based in Brookhaven, L.I., harvested an estimated 1 million large quahog clams from the area to prevent them from crowding out the developing oysters. The large clams, some of which weigh more than a pound and a half, siphon in oyster eggs and other plant matter that the developing oysters need, Jinishian said.

Those clams are sold to environmental organizations that move them to Great South Bay to help eat algae that cause environmental problems there, and to Peconic Bay near Shelter Island, where it is hoped they will breed, said Ed Stillwagon, co-owner of Atlantic Clam Farms.

Everything is connected to everything else.


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