Thursday, June 30, 2005

Is EPA's Sound Cleanup Really One of the Worst Polluters in New York?

An organization in New York called the Citizens Environmental Coalition has released its "Dirty Dozen" list of worst polluters in New York State and, bizarrely in my opinion, included "EPA's Region 2 Long Island Sound Cleanup" on the list for proposing that dredge spoils be dumped in the western Sound.

I say "bizarrely" because it was barely a month ago that EPA announced a compromise, endorsed by environmental groups, that resolved a longtime stalemate over dumping. The compromise allows three dredging projects to use the western Sound dump site but refers future decisions to a team of experts.

As of now, I don't know much more about the so-called Dirty Dozen list. This story, published in a paper that purportedly covers the Sound, mentions EPA only in a list and doesn't refer at all to last month's compromise. Here's the CEC website, but the link to the Dirty Dozen list is inactive. More when I learn more.


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