Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Wednesday's News: "Don't Sell the Sound" to Broadwater; 65 Deer Bagged in Greeenwich Hunt; $2 Million for Beach

Protesters on Long Island held signs saying "Don't Sell the Sound" as the Suffolk County Legislature supported a resolution opposing Broadwater's plan for a liquefied natural gas terminal in the middle of Long Island Sound. The resolution was purely symbolic -- with the proposal before the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, no one of LI has any power to stop it.

Newsday "balanced" the story by writing:

Broadwater supporters say the project will help the region meet its future energy needs and keep a lid on rising costs.

But I wonder who those supporters are. Is there any real support for Broadwater's plan, besides of course those people Broadwater is paying to support it, like Rudy Giuliani's security firm and Robert Gaffney, the former Suffolk county executive?

Sharpshooters nailed 65 deer in three nights of Greenwich's town-sponsored hunt. The Greenwich Time reports that protesters watched throughout the night. Apparently none of the protesters were arrested for expressing themselves, which sometimes happens in Greenwich.

The lead hunter, Anthony DeNicola of White Buffalo Inc., also told the newspaper that some deer had parts of arrows in them, apparently from bowhunters who weren't good enough marksman to actually kill what they shot. The Greenwich Time reports DeNicola's assertion without noting that the town's bowhunters have said publicly that the hunt is a waste of money and that they could do the job better. Could that be the implication of DeNicola's response -- that if the bowhunters were so good, his men wouldn't be finding deer with arrow remnants stuck in them?

(Addendum: I was out of town for a good part of yesterday and forgot to note that New Jersey Audubon is now advocating a hunt to reduce the state's deer herd, or hoid, as they say in Joisy. The Times reported it here.)

Further east, Connecticut is spending $2 million to replenish the beach at Hammonasset State Park, according to the New Haven Register. About 1.7 million people a year use Hammonasset, which probably makes it the busiest beach on the Sound.


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