Friday, March 11, 2005

Friday's News: Anti-Broadwater Meeting on LI; Deer Hunt Starts in Greenwich

Anti-Broadwater activists from Connecticut traveled to Long Island last night to meet with their counterparts from the Island . Newsday covered:

Adrienne Esposito, executive director of the Farmingdale-based Citizen's Campaign for the Environment, said she worried the Sound could become an industrial zone. "If Friday it's Broadwater, does that mean tomorrow it's Exxon and BP the day after?" Esposito asked.

In Greenwich, the shooting has begun, according to the Greenwich Time.

After weeks of delay, sharpshooters began killing deer on two town-owned parks last night.

If ecosystem integrity is a goal, I’m not sure there’s anything more important in the out suburbs than killing deer. The Greenwich Conservation Commission has information


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