Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Connecticut Thinks GE's PCB Cleanup Plan for the Housatonic Isn't Good Enough

Thirty-plus years after General Electric stopped putting PCBs -- a probable carcinogen that also probably causing learning disabilities -- into the Housatonic River, Connecticut health officials still have broad "eat none" advisories for women of childbearing years and children who are under the misimpression that eating fish is healthful. 

Thirty years later you still need to be careful if you want to eat a striped bass, which are more abundant now in Long Island Sound and its bigger tributaries than they have been in decades.

And yet GE -- Generous Enormous, as a wry friend in college used to call them -- still isn't making good on its obligation to get PCBs out of the Housatonic, as you can see from this story on Connecticut Public Broadcasting.

The Maritime Aquarium invited GE's environmental lawyer to participate in a forum about the future of Long Island Sound the other day. Gina McCarthy, Connecticut's DEP commissioner, who thinks the PCB plan stinks, was part of the panel too. No indication from this that anyone challenged mentioned the multinational's role in endangering our health.

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