Friday, June 22, 2007

Power to the Ospreys

If an osprey nest somehow knocked out power in my neighborhood, I'd say fine, we're taking one for the team. Amazing as it seems, that's what happened yesterday in Seymour, which is in the Naugatuck Valley. Here's how the Connecticut Post put it:

Instead of humans disturbing nature, nature disrupted humans Wednesday when an osprey nest touched a power line, knocking out power to about 1,160 Connecticut Light & Power customers for about three hours.

Neither the baby birds nor their mother was injured, and CL&P crews cut back the nest, Al Lara, a company spokesman, said Wednesday night.

The nest was built on a pole in a rural spot near Chamberlain Road, and Walnut, Spring and Pearl streets, Lara said.

My guess from looking at a map is that the ospreys are nesting near the Peat Swamp Reservoir. Good luck to them.



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