Tuesday, September 19, 2006

The Coast Guard Will Release Its Broadwater Findings on Friday in New Haven

The Coast Guard and the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission have been quiet about the Broadwater LNG proposal for a long time, presumably because they are working diligently on their studies and reports.

On Friday we'll know the results of the Coast Guard's work:

U.S. Coast Guard Capt. Peter J. Boynton will announce the results of the Coast Guard's waterway suitability report on the proposed Broadwater Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) terminal during a press briefing at 12:30 pm, on Friday, September 22, 2006 at the Coast Guard's Long Island Sound headquarters, 120 Woodward Avenue in New Haven, Connecticut.

If Boynton decides that Long Island Sound is the wrong place, for safety and navigation reasons, for Broadwater's plant, Broadwater has big problems. I have no inside information, obviously, but I'd be shocked if the Coast Guard says no.


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