Friday, September 15, 2006

Soundkeeper To Push For More Connecticut Funding For Long Island Sound Cleanup

Soundkeeper Terry Backer, who is also a member of the Connecticut Assembly, is planning to use the op-ed piece (“Who Is Killing Long Island Sound?”) I published in the Times over Labor Day weekend to get publicity and support for putting $50 million into the state’s Clean Water Fund, money that is necessary if Connecticut is going to meet its responsibility to upgrade sewage treatment plants.

Terry has organized a Monday morning boat tour, on one of Norm Bloom & Sons oyster vessels, for the press and for some of his Hartford colleagues, including Senators Bob Duff of Norwalk and Bill Finch of Bridgeport, and Assembly member Chris Perone of Norwalk. I’ll be taking my Dramamine and joining them.

It’s almost impossible to overstate how nervous politicians get at the possibility of bad publicity, or how influential press coverage can be in getting politicians to move on an issue. Unfortunately Connecticut’s decision to cut the Clean Water Fund hasn’t gotten much attention at all.

If Terry can use my piece to leverage more attention, I’m all for it.


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