Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Rell's Task Force Says There's No Need for Broadwater's LNG Terminal

AP reports that Governor Rell’s LNG task force has come to essentially the same conclusion as last week’s Synapse report – that, among other things, there’s no demonstrated need for Broadwater’s proposed LNG terminal in the middle of Long Island Sound:

A plan for a floating natural gas terminal on Long Island Sound fails to factor in costs to the public and has no identifiable market, according to a commission appointed by Gov. M. Jodi Rell to study the impact of the project on Connecticut.
The Broadwater Energy terminal would require public expenditures for security and other requirements, the panel said in an interim report.
The panel said there are numerous environmental concerns with the project. It also criticized what it called the lack of a federal energy policy that it says has led to corporations racing to capture a monopoly in the deregulated energy market.


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