Please, Resist the Urge to Put a Seal in the Backseat of Your Car!
Newspapers in the Long Island Sound region and beyond have been doing a lot of stories about seals lately, and that’s the advice I got from one of them:
… if you see a seal shaking on the beach, don't attempt to cover it with a blanket or put it in a warm car.
In the newspaper business we called that “news you can use.” You might want to make a printout and keep it in your wallet, just in case.
Meanwhile a harp seal made its way up the Connecticut River to Middletown the other day, causing a fair amount of interest (as did one that hauled out in New Rochelle not long ago).

The picture, by the way, was taken by a Hartford Courant photographer named Cloe Poisson. Considering what seals eat, I have to assume Ms. Poisson knew enough not to get too close.
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