Friday, March 03, 2006

Connecticut to Consider Putting $70 Million in Fund for Long Island Sound Cleanup and Other Projects; Public Hearing on Monday

Possible good news for the clean up of Long Island Sound: the Connecticut House Environment Committee is considering a bill that would put $70 million into the Clean Water Fund. The money would go toward clean water projects throughout the state, including the Sound.

For those of us concerned with the way Connecticut has slacked off in its commitment to clean up the Sound (some background here), it’s an important bill, and there’s an important public hearing coming up on Monday. Remember that last month Soundkeeper Terry Backer, who represents Stratford in the House, said it would take a strong show of support by the environmental community to get it passed.

Here’s what CFE/Save the Sound has to say about it:

Help Protect ALL of Connecticut's Water

Public Hearing at 10a.m. Monday, March 6, 2006

Please testify and support Raised Bill 5624: An Act Authorizing Bonds of the State for the Clean Water Fund

If passed, this legislation will triple the funding levels for the Clean Water Fund, a program that has hit a brick wall in recent years.

The public hearing is scheduled for this Monday, March 6 at 10 a.m. in Room 1E of the Legislative Office Building. Sign-up to present testimony begins at 9 a.m. in the first floor atrium of the LOB. Please provide the Environment Committee with 50 copies of written

If you are unable to attend in person and would like to submit testimony, please email your testimony as an attachment to Leah Lopez Schmalz no later than 3 p.m., Sunday, March 5 at We will make copies and submit them to the Environment Committee on Monday. Please include your complete contact information in the e-mail or on the document you attach to your e-mail.

This legislation is the beginning of an new day for rivers, streams, and Long Island Sound.

If you have any questions, please call Leah at (203) 787-0646, Ext. 121 …

Thank you, in advance, for your support.


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