Monday, July 04, 2005

To the Beach, to the Mountains

One and a half million people go to the beach at Hammonasset State Park every summer, and another 400,000 visit Rocky Neck State park. Twenty years ago it was estimated that all the beaches on Long Island Sound -- on Long Island's north shore and Orchard Beach in the Bronx and Glen Island and Playland in Westchester and the municipal beaches in Greenwich and Stamford and Norwalk and West Haven -- drew about 60 million swimmers each year.

The staff of Sphere is off for a few days, but to the mountains not the beach. For those who want to keep up with the news, check Atlantic Coast Watch, which posts links to news stories from coastal area newspapers. The link is on the right; ACW puts its links up in early afternoon. Sphere will resume it's regularly scheduled posting in about a week.


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