Monday, June 20, 2005

Spartina: An Invasive Species

It’s old news that salt marshes on the east coast are disappearing. The dominant salt marsh plant in our area is tall cordgrass, or Spartina alterniflora. On the Sound, we could use more of it. But on the west coast, they don’t want it. In fact, Spartina alterniflora is an invasive pest.

From the San Jose Mercury News:

On Thursday, the board of the state Coastal Conservancy, based in Oakland, is expected to approve spending $814,725 for a two-year program designed to stop the invasive cordgrass in its tracks.

The money will fund a plan to spray herbicides from helicopters, trucks on levees, amphibious vehicles and backpack sprayers over 1,400 acres in six counties from August to October this fall and next fall.

Although the idea of chemical spraying may make people nervous, the chemical, imazapyr is safe for wildlife, fish and humans, said Erik Grijalva, field operations manager for the Coastal Conservancy's Invasive Spartina Project.

I especially like the part that says the chemical is safe for wildlife, fish and humans. Right.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Take a look at an analysis of the chemical they are using in the effort:

7:46 PM  

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