Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Anti-Broadwater Coalition

"Do we want to turn Long Island Sound into an industrial site?"

That's the question I've been posing here for two months, it's the question at the top of the new Anti-Broadwater Coalition website, and it's the question people should continue to ask (The answer, of course, is no -- the publicly-owned waters of the Sound should not become an industrial site.)

Here's an excerpt from the site:

... as most people know, the Sound is one of the most beautiful and significant bodies of water in the United States. In 1987, after Congress allocated funds for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to research, monitor, and assess the water quality of the Sound, it became an Estuary of National Significance. It contains thousands of species of wildlife, and is a vital part of our nation’s environment. And, it provides employment and recreational opportunities for hundreds of thousands of people throughout our region.

Over the past ten years, the federal government, and the states of Connecticut and New York, have spent hundreds of millions of dollars to restore and protect the water quality of this national treasure. ...

The proposal for a natural gas storage facility in the middle of Long Island Sound is not environmentally sustainable. A sustainable project would have to incorporate both an aggressive energy efficiency and conservation effort. And I don’t think increasing our reliance on foreign energy sources is a better idea than developing a regional comprehensive energy plan.

However, after clicking around the site, I was left wanting to know a few things. First and foremost, who is the Anti-Broadwater Coalition? What people and organizations are involved? The paragraph I quoted above is written in the first person, but there's no indication of who that person is. The only name I could find on the website is Adrienne Esposito, of Citizens Campaign for the Environment; the only e-mail address is mail@rockypointcivic.org.

On the positive side, there are some links -- including to Broadwater and the Sandia report (but, like Broadwater itself, not to Sphere, which is an affront to my importance and influence). There is also a useful information page.

As I've said here before, I think it's a bad idea to put an industrial facility in the publicly-owned waters of Long Island Sound. But I've also always felt a revulsion when environmentalists paint doomsday scenarios where none exist. I'll be checking out the Anti-Broadwater site in the coming weeks, and pointing out the good arguments and the inflated rhetoric.


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