Thursday, March 20, 2008
By Tom Andersen
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This is a blog about environmental issues in the New York area in general and Long Island Sound in particular. I'm the author of "This Fine Piece of Water: An Environmental History of Long Island Sound," which came out in 2002. I wrote about the environment and other issues during almost two decades as a newspaper reporter.
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- Rell Wants FERC to Postpone Broadwater Decision
- When FERC Approves Broadwater This Week, Call It W...
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- David Paterson's First Broadwater Comment
- Rell Criticizes FERC Over Broadwater, Wants to Tal...
- No One is Covering the Sound
- Will Spitzer's Resignation Be Good or Bad for Broa...
- Bridgeport and Stratford Should Sell Their Beach t...
- Expect Broadwater to Try to Influence Governor Spi...
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Still it's not a good sign, since the Fed just approved Broadwater, not just the FERC. The FERC was the lead agency that had to coordinate with at least 14 other agencies, in accordance with NEPA. Given that, it is very difficult for the locals to reject a major facility, although Long Beach did exactly that. But that was California and this is New York.
Maybe with all this global warming we won't even need Broadwater anymore and they can tow it out to sea for a nice fishing reef. -sam
Yo Sam, dude:
It ain't over by a long shot. Bring on Paterson and, if necessary, the lawsuits. Shell isn't in the majority here.
Strikes me as a bit suspicious.
Spitzer was a vehement anti-Broadwater advocate.
He suddenly crashes and burns.
New gubner says he'll postpone his BW decision.
Two days later, FERC approves BW.
Broadwater's not in the majority here by any means, but the dollars in the pockets of the oil industry are.
All I have to say is, check out:
Bloggers: Here's some anti-Shell Broadwater widgets that are easy to post on your site or blog:
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