Thursday, March 13, 2008

Rell Criticizes FERC Over Broadwater, Wants to Talk to New York's New Governor

No sense waiting, I guess. Jodi Rell says she'll soon be picking up the phone and calling David Paterson to tell him why Broadwater is such a bad idea. The final report from Connecticut's LNG task force is coming out today, by the way, and not surprisingly it will be critical of both the plan to put an LNG terminal in Long Island Sound and of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. FERC, Rell said yesterday, has shown a ...

"... single-minded focus on approving the Broadwater platform no matter what the evidence shows."

“My panel has reached three major conclusions,” Rell said. “FERC never performed a serious analysis of the potential environmental consequences; FERC undertook an absurdly limited review of the alternatives to Broadwater; and the alternatives will likely be meeting the energy needs of both Connecticut and New York before the Broadwater project is ever completed and on line.”

You can read about it in the Courant, the Day and the New Haven Register. You might want to note that the Register story is written by the paper's "north bureau chief." That's because the era of newspaper downsizing has claimed the job of the Register's longtime Capitol bureau chief, who was laid off the other day, here. The Courant called the move "boneheaded."

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