Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Water Quality Report

How are conditions in Long Island Sound? So far, not as bad as last year, using dissolved oxygen as a measure. Here’s what the Connecticut DEP sent out today, based on its regular water quality cruise:

The 2007 July Water Quality Survey was conducted 9-11 July. Thirty-eight stations were sampled. Bottom water dissolved oxygen concentrations fell below 4.8 mg/L at 13 stations. The lowest concentration was observed at Station 15 (3.5 mg/L). Last year nine stations had concentrations less than 4.8 mg/L, one station was between 3 and 3.5 mg/L and three stations had concentrations less than 2.99 mg/L. Hypoxia seems to be setting up slightly later than the average date of 11 July. The next survey (HYJUL07) is scheduled for 19, 20, and 23 July. Additional stations will likely have concentrations declining to 3.5 mg/L and stations currently at or very near 3.5 mg/L (Stations 15 and A4) will become hypoxic, especially as the current weather pattern of warm days, calm winds, and occasional thunderstorms is predicted to continue.
It emphasizes 3.5 mg/L because that’s the goal – to improve the Sound to the point where DO does not fall below 3.5. Station 15, by the way, is in Smithtown Bay; A4 is off Sands Point.

The DEP used to send out jpegs of the water quality map (these, which they don't seem to be in too much of a rush to keep up-to-date; maybe somebody at DEP can get this summer's maps online) but now it inserts them right into the e-mail and I can’t figure out how to post them here, which is too bad because they're worth seeing.

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