Saturday, July 07, 2007

New York Will Announce its Broadwater Decision in Mid-August

August 16 is the date on which New York State will announce if it will allow Broadwater's LNG terminal to be built in Long Island Sound. Here's what Newsday says:

State officials have pushed back by another six weeks a decision on whether Broadwater Energy should be allowed to site its proposed liquid natural gas terminal in New York waters of Long Island Sound.

A decision now is due Aug. 16.

An agreement between the New York State Department of State and Broadwater was posted Friday on the publically-accessible website of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission or FERC....

Gov. Eliot Spitzer ... is awaiting the state Department of State's findings before he takes a position on Broadwater...

The state Energy Research Development Authority, meanwhile, has contracted on behalf of the Department of State with the Battelle Memorial Institute of Columbus, Ohio, for a study of alternative sites for the 1,200 long regassification terminal that would be moored about midway between the Suffolk County and Connecticut shorelines.

Here' s the link to Newsday's story. When you read it you might wonder why a newspaper would report that a document is available on FERC's website but then not provide a link to that website. Lame-o. You can go here, type "Broadwater" into the text search box, and see everything you'd ever want to read that involves FERC.



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