Wednesday, July 18, 2007

New York State Wants FERC and Broadwater to Take a Harder Look at the Atlantic Ocean as an LNG Site

The New York State Department of State isn’t at all convinced that Broadwater can’t build its LNG terminal in the Atlantic Ocean instead of in Long Island Sound, and its wants FERC to look into it more.

The Suffolk Times, which is a weekly on Long Island, has a story about it, here. And the Department of State letter to FERC is here (type Broadwater in the "search text" box, click, and then scroll down to July 3).

Here’s what the letter says, in part:

In light of the information submitted by Broadwater, DOS recommends that the FERC and other relevant federal and State agencies review the above and consider the appropriateness of:

b. Feasibility of use and operation of a FSRU, a mooring tower and yoke mooring system suitable to withstand 100-year wave conditions in the Atlantic Ocean west of Cholera Bank.
c. Siting a FSRU or SRVISTL system in the Atlantic between existing navigation lanes based on environmental impacts. …
e. Use conflicts to be expected from siting a FSRU or SRV/STL system in the Atlantic between existing navigation lanes.
f. Siting a FSRU in the area between navigation lanes in the Atlantic relative to potential navigation conflicts in Long Island Sound. …

The DOS will have a huge say in the Broadwater decision, and if it thinks the Atlantic Ocean is a better spot than Long Island Sound, Broadwater is in trouble.

Two other things: There’s a place in the Atlantic called Cholera Bank? That’s a great name. And kudos to Denise Civiletti of the Suffolk Times for getting a good story by doing what reporter’s should do: legwork, reading the documents.



Blogger Sam said...

That's really big news, Tom. Tell me more?

9:35 PM  

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