Monday, May 07, 2007

Oysters in Greenwich

Considering the results of the Long Island Sound survey that was released a couple of weeks ago (that is, people are largely clueless when it comes to the Sound and its pollutants), events like the one the Greenwich Shellfish Commission put on yesterday at Greenwich Point Park can only be a good thing.

The Greenwich Time reported that hundreds of people showed up for a three-hour event called "Experience the Sound."

Quote of the day from Roger Bowgen, chairman of Greenwich's Shellfish Commission:

"The idea is to open people's eyes to the fact that there are other things to do here than sit on the beach and stare at an iPod."

Of course when you go to the Shellfish Commission's webpage and click on "Shellfish Bed Status," the first thing you see is:

Oyster Alert
No oysters may be taken from Greenwich waters during the 2006-07 season.

Which is a bit disheartening.

Meanwhile, the New Haven Register apparently thinks that the other things you can do besides sit and stare at an IPod include building a huge liquefied natural gas terminal. The Register's editorial writers think the Broadwater LNG terminal is a good idea, here.


Blogger Sam said...

Hey Tom, maybe it's Monday but doesn't the Greenwish oyster status say "Open" in all cases except one which is pending a permit approval? Perhaps the 2006-2007 season was last year and needs to be updated?

10:49 AM  
Blogger Tom Andersen said...

You're right, Sam -- it is Monday and it says that the oyster beds are both closed and open. Maybe they're closed when they're not open, and open when they're not closed. I'm not sure, but I agree that it is confusing.

11:16 AM  
Blogger Sam said...

Hey at least they have some oyster beds to open or closed. If the oyster beds were dead, just muck and empty shell, we wouldn't be having this discussion. Hey, sometimes if the beds are closed that means somebody is actually sampling the critters, which makes me feel good.

And by the way, even if the kids are playing iPods or whatnot on the beach, at least they're there. It is difficult to get folks interested in eco-tours because you can only do small groups and it can be expensive. But most folks I know love it. They learn to hunt for strange birds, bugs, shells, fish, crabs, and all kinds of cool stuff. I love it at the end of the tour when I can honestly say ... here's a whole bunch of primate hominids just sitting there on the beach! /Sam

11:56 AM  

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