Saturday, January 27, 2007

E-mail Exchange: Send Your Ladybugs to Norway, Please

January 27, 2007 3:03:56 PM EST

Hey Tom!
I dropped into your blog after doing a search on the Halloween lady beetle on Google. I found your observation you're writing aboutvery interesting since I've found the first specimen of this beetle in Norway last summer. I just finished my mastersthesis about alien species coming to Norway as stowaways in imported horticultural plants. I was wondering if you had done an observations lately of these beetles, and if you knew any places where they could be found at this time of year. If you do I would be very interested if you could send me a few individuals for closer study. Are you able to do that?
Hope to hear from you soon.

Sincerely yours

Arnstein Staverloekk
MSc. Ecology
Norweigan Institute for Agricultural and Environmental Research

January 27, 2007 4:23:47 PM EST
To: Arnstein Staverloekk

There might be one or two in our bathroom now. Do you want me to mail them to you?

Tom Andersen

January 27, 2007 5:29:31 PM EST

Hi Tom!
That would be excellent!! Then I'll send you something from Norway in return! Put the insects in a small box with some cotton inside so that they arrive in good shape. Thank you very much!

Please mail them to:

Bioforsk Plantehelse
Arnstein Staverløkk
Høyskoleveien 7
1430 Aas

Sincerely yours

Arnstein Staverløkk

January 27, 2007 5:32:13 PM EST
To: Arnstein Staverloekk

They were not as abundant this season as last, but we've had a few. I'll go do a search.


January 27, 2007 5:48:31 PM EST

Kepp me updated! Thanks.


January 27, 2007 5:50:08 PM EST
To: Arnstein Staverloekk

I found two, both dead. I think there are more but if there aren't, I'll put the dead ones in the mail on Monday or Tuesday.




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