Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Suffolk County Hopes Royal Land Grants Will Stop Broadwater's LNG Terminal

I have no idea whether this should be taken seriously, but here it is: The Suffolk County Executive, Steve Levy, is trying to get a county law passed that would ban Broadwater’s proposed liquefied natural gas terminal in Long Island Sound. Newsday says:

The proposed county measure says Suffolk's jurisdiction in the Sound dates back to royal land grants in Colonial times as well as state legislation, including "Chapter 695 of the Laws of 1881, an act extending jurisdiction of Queens and Suffolk Counties ... over the Waters of Long Island Sound."

What’s not clear to me is why, if there’s an 1881 law giving Suffolk County jurisdiction over the Sound, is there a need for a county law?

In the meantime, two state Assembly members are scrambling at the last minute to pass a state law that would prevent the United States Secretary of Commerce from overruling the New York State Secretary of State, who the Assembly members (and others) believe would deny a permit for Broadwater’s LNG terminal.

But as I understand it, the federal energy law gives the Secretary of Commerce the final say, so how can a state law trump that? My guess is that we can file these two attempts under the heading of “Don’t just stand there, do something.”

Broadwater’s v.p. John Hritcko as usual is quoted saying something laughable:

"our initial reaction is that this is a gimmick, a press release, rather than engaging in a debate on the merits of the project"

As if Broadwater has ever actually debated the merits of the project.


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