Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Lieberman the Long Island Sound Advocate Starts His Reelection Campaign with an Ad Aimed at Enviros

Senator Joe Lieberman is starting his campaign for reelection with an ad that emphasizes his credentials as an environmentalist and an advocate for Long Island Sound, which is as fair and honest as for his Democratic opponent, Ned Lamont, to emphasize Lieberman’s support for the Iraq war.

Lieberman and the rest of the Connecticut delegation (as well as New York’s Sound-area delegation) have always been able to deliver enough money from Washington to keep the administration of the Long Island Sound cleanup going. But the Hartford Courant points out that Lieberman voted for the 2005 energy bill, which made it easier for the federal government to overrule local opposition to the siting of new energy facilities, such as the Broadwater LNG plant proposed for the Sound. Here’s what the Courant says:

Lieberman was one of 74 senators who voted in July for the Energy Policy Act of 2005, a bill that grew out of Cheney's energy task force. The Sierra Club called the measure "extremely damaging for our air, our water, our special lands and our coastlines."

One of the provisions weakens the public's ability to influence the siting of energy facilities, such as the proposal to locate a floating liquefied natural gas terminal in Long Island Sound, Swan said.

But Lieberman's overall environmental voting record is good, as judged by the Sierra Club and the League of Conservation Voters. The league recently endorsed him.

The commercial promises that Lieberman's environmentalism will be felt closer to home, especially on the embattled Long Island Sound.

"He knows that Long Island Sound is Connecticut's national treasure and he has always worked to keep it a treasure," Pendergast says. "Sen. Joe Lieberman's Long Island Sound Stewardship Act will protect Long Island Sound for generations to come."


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