Monday, October 17, 2005

"Whose Sound is it? ... It's all of ours."

Yesterday’s big Hartford Courant story about Bropadwater is worth reading, if you haven’t already. I have a few things to say about it, including a criticism of a subtle bias in the writing, and I’ll post something soon. But this quote, from a fisherman named Larry Williams, jumped out at me:

"Whose Sound is it?" Williams asks. "The ultimate answer - it's all of ours. It's the people of the state of Connecticut. It's the people of the state of New York. But in the broader sense, it belongs to the nation.

"It's a tonic for people. ... It's almost a spiritual experience. We're trying to hang onto something with a real quality to it. If you lose it, you can never really replace it."

Williams says Broadwater has become an emotional and cultural fight – the kind of fight that facts don't easily counter.

"I'm still scratching my head," he says. "I think they underestimated the passion involved here. ... It's about Long Island Sound, it is not just about Broadwater; it's not. It's about Long Island Sound, the direction it's going. It's how much can we put into it and the cumulative aspects of these installations."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Of course the Sound belongs to all of us! As a natural resource it has endured multiple industrial assults, and only now has shown promise in a resurgence of environmental health. The sad thing is that there are alternatives... look at the Energy Bridge idea in the Gulf, where LNG tankers are capable of on-board re-gasification, enabling them to dock to deep-water taps using existing pipelines. Apply this technology to taps on existing marine pipelines already serving the New York area from New Jersey. BroadWater needs to look elsewhere.

8:14 PM  

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