Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Sound "Celebration" to Focus on LNG Proposal

The proposal to put a liquefied natural gas plant in the middle of Long Island Sound -- as outrageous an idea as anyone could come up with -- is prompting environmental groups to get together a week from Sunday in Branford, Connecticut, for what is being billed as "A Bi-State Day of Celebrating Long Island Sound."

The sponsoring organizations are Save the Sound, Citizens Campaign for the Environment, the Anti-Broadwater Coalition, Sound Alliance, Connecticut Fund for the Environment, and Hands Across Our Pond, which Leah Lopez of Save the Sound tells me is a relatively is a new group founded by Lonnie Reid, a member of Branford's Representative Town Meeting.

Noon to 4 p.m. on Sunday, July 31, at 134 and 138 Pawson Road, Branford. Check the Save the Sound and Connecticut Fund for the Environment websites for more information.


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