Friday, July 29, 2005

LNG Proponents, Save the Sound to Discuss Plans for Energy Plant in the Middle of the Sound

The corporate suits who want to put a huge liquefied natural gas plant in the middle of Long Island Sound will have a chance to make their case to the public and the Southwest Regional Planning Agency at a meeting in Stamford on Monday night, August 1.

Save the Sound, which opposes the plant, will argue its case too, and there will be time for questions and answers, evasive and otherwise.

The meeting will be on the third floor** of the Stamford Government Center, 888 Washington Boulevard. It will start at 7 p.m.

There's another interesting meeting (I realize that's an oxymoron) at the same time in Bridgeport to talk about a project that I don't yet know much about but which sounds important. Here's the text of an e-mail I got about it:

During the past year the Connecticut Conservation Association, Inc. has been working with the Rivers Alliance of CT and the CT DEP through the small watershed grants program to focus attention on the environmental problems confronting the nine, small coastal watersheds in the Greater Bridgeport Region.

Included among these watersheds are: the Pequonnock River, Mill River, Sasco Brook, Ash Creek-Rooster River, Cricker Brook, Booth Hill Brook, Yellow Mill Channel, Bruce Brook and the Stratford Great Meadows - Johnson's Creek.

In order to indentify critical issues facing these watersheds and establish protection and reglulatory priorities, a special citizen stake-holder meeting has been scheduled for August 1, 2005 @ 7PM in the Community room of the North Branch of the Bridgeport Public Library -3455 Madison Avenue, Bridgeport, CT.

Folks interested in any one of these critical watersheds should plan to attend and comment on the issues important to them. It is hoped that this meeting will identify a nucleus of concerned citizens and result in the creation of a "Greater Bridgeport Regional Watershed Alliance.

**It's been moved to the second floor in anticipation of a large audience.


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