Sunday, June 05, 2005

Peach Island: Owned by the Public but We Have No Idea What We're Allowed to do There

Peach Island, part of the Norwalk archipelago, is only 2.6 acres but in March the Trust for Public Land bought it for $600,000 to add it to the Stewart B. McKinney National Wildlife Refuge. A reporter from the Stamford Advocate took a tour with Cindy Coughenour, assistant manager of the refuge.

Can the public go out there and if so, what are we allowed to do. Here's the best the two of them could come up with:

"Until I talk to my supervisor, I can't say what is allowed and what isn't allowed," Coughenour said.

I have a suggestion for the reporter: How about calling Coughenour's supervisor to find out?

Here's the story.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Call the refuge office at 860-399-2513.

9:19 PM  

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