Thursday, August 27, 2009

How's the Cleanup Going? We'll See

This is interesting ... Save the Sound, along with the Citizens Advisory Committee and the Science and Technical Advisory Committee of the Long Island Sound Study, are hiring a consultant to, among other things, evaluate how the Sound cleanup is going. The consultant will also work with the two committees to figure out ways to improve the cleanup, preumably based on the results of the assessment. Here's an excerpt from the announcement, which Leah Schmalz of Save the Sound sent out yesterday:

Save the Sound, a program of Connecticut Fund for the Environment, in coordination with the Citizen’s Advisory Committee (CAC) and the Science and Technical Advisory Committee (STAC) of the Long Island Sound Study ( is seeking a consultant to: a) assess and evaluate the progress to-date in implementing the Long Island Sound Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan (CCMP) and b) facilitate the CAC in a visioning process that we hope will lead to the development of a shared vision document that includes recommendations and action items for future Long Island Sound restoration and protection efforts. Below are some of the general requirements.

The people who are overseeing the cleanup have always said that they think it's going generally OK. An independent look is definitely worth it.


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