Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Saturday's Modern House Day is Almost Sold Out

[Read 'Modern,' our new modern house blog, here.]

At a last-minute organizing session last night for Saturday’s Modern House Day in New Canaan, I learned that 179 tickets have been sold and only five or so slots remain. I also learned that at each of the five houses we’ll be touring, there will be an architect (for one of the houses, the architect who actually designed it, John Black Lee, will be the house architect) and a docent, and each bus will have an architect and a docent. Gina is the docent for one of the buses, and I’m the architect.

Maybe I should write it “architect” – I’m of course not an architect, although the organizers of the event don’t seem particularly concerned about that. Luckily for the people who will be on my bus, the bus architects were told not to talk too much about each house before we get to it; the house architects will handle all that.

If you’re interested in one of the last tickets, click here for information.



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