Monday, November 21, 2005

Over the Weekend: The Argument that Broadwater Can't Rebut; Vandals Attack Hunting Advocates on LI

The Broadwater people think they can answer the questions their proposal for a huge LNG terminal in the middle of Long Island Sound raises about safety and environmental protection. But the issue of whether it's appropriate to put an industrial facility in the middle of the Sound has been trouble for them. The New London Day published another long Broadwater story yesterday, and in the middle reporter Judy Benson dropped this sentence:

John Hritcko Jr., senior vice president for Broadwater, said that of all the safety and environmental concerns raised over the LNG plan, this philosophical conflict over appropriate use of the Sound has been the most difficult to counter.

To that I say -- Congratulations, Long Island Sound advocates! It's a legitimate argument and if Hritcko and his bosses at TransCanada and Shell have trouble with it, so much the better. They think that because tankers travel through the Sound and because there are factories and terminals in New Haven, 11 miles from where the LNG terminal would be, that justifies building an enormous, permanent structure in the middle of the Sound. That argument is baloney, as I tried to show here. The industrial era ended decades ago on Long Island Sound; remaining industries are vestiges. Arguing that it's OK to put a huge industrial facility in the middle of the Sound because it's only 11 miles from New Haven is analagous to arguing that it's OK to put a factory in the middle of the Connecticut woods because it's only 11 miles from New Haven.

(I've posted a lot about Broadwater over the past 11 months and it's possible that someone, somewhere might want to refer to those posts. Last evening I started to create a list of links to them. If you scroll down and look in the right-hand column, you'll find the first few. There are more to come.)

Helping the Fish ... I've lost track of the number of towns that are building passages to help spawning fish swim upstream from Long Island Sound, but there are quite a few, Branford included. The town, with Connecticut DEP help, has one in place on Queach Brook that it hopes will enable a number of species -- particularly alewives, which are almost gone from the Sound's tributaries. Here's what the New Haven Register said today:

The town-owned fishway ends in the East Supply Pond and will open roughly 80 acres of lake, nine acres of riparian swamps and up to five miles of free-flowing streams to the fish. These connections were broken by man-made dams.

Intimidating deer hunters ... On Long Island the deer problem has gotten so bad that the village of Lloyd Harbor decided to ask two big landowners - the state and the Archdiocese of Rockville -- to allow hunting on their property. "Animal-activist" vandals responded by "covering the home and cars of Lloyd Harbor Mayor Leland Hairr in red paint, while workers at village hall received intimidating phone calls," according to Newsday.


Blogger Hungry Hyaena said...

The last item - "Vandals Attack Hunting ADvocates on LI" - incenses me no end. As someone who has long considered the moral hand-wringing that comes with eating meat - I only eat meat or fish that I have caught/killed and butchered myself; otherwise I am a strict vegetarian and, because I hunt only once or twice a year, I eat very little meat - the knee-jerk reactions of the animal rights movement infuriate me. Have these people no comprehension of population dynamics? Do they not consider the alternative suffering of the animals? Ugh...anyway...

1:16 PM  

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