Tuesday, August 16, 2005

DEP Says No to Golf Course Proposed by a Friend of Bush

It's exceedingly hard to stop a development on environmental grounds, but not impossible. A luxury golf course proposed for a sensitive part of the Housatonic River watershed, in Litchfield County, got slammed yesterday by the Connecticut DEP, because of the amount of water it would use.

Called the Yale Farm Golf Club, its developer happens to be "a close personal friend" of President Bush, as the Hartford Courant put it. From the Courant:

Water experts hired by opponents of the project presented studies showing that withdrawing 300,000 gallons a day could deplete the bedrock aquifers beneath the farm, which could severely affect the entire area during a drought year. The water studies produced by the Yale Farm developers were criticized on several technical grounds and the DEP concluded that additional requests for information had not been met by the developer.


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